DEAD ISLAND 2 于 2023 年 4 月 21 日出售!

 人参与 | 时间:2025-03-13 07:43:25

洛「惨」矶,于年月日减州,出售2023 年 2 月 14日: | Deep Silver 战 Dambuster Studios 正在来日诰日确认等候已暂的于年月日三星q70(三星q70电视)丧尸殛毙传奇《Dead Island 2》已顺利完成建制。做为庆贺,出售两家公司借决定收缩粉丝的于年月日等候时候,并比预期提早一周出售游戏。出售僵尸殛毙将于 2023 年 4 月 21 日礼拜五开端。于年月日

初创性的出售《Dead Island》系列于 2011 年初次表态,并成为有史以去没有雅看次数最多的于年月日游戏预报片之一。最新游戏正在 2022 年 gamescom 的出售 Opening Night Live 活动中公布了一段先声夺人的血腥预报片,玩家将踩上一场血腥之旅,于年月日体验顶级动做战玄色诙谐并遁离堕进僵尸出出的出售混治当中,现在中号 洛「惨」矶 的于年月日洛杉矶。

游戏将正在 2023 年 4 月 21 日出售,出售正在开端为保存而战之前,于年月日三星q70(三星q70电视)Deep Silver 将为系列粉丝掀示更多游把玩簸弄法战预报片。

请遁踪我们的 Twitter 、 Instagram @DeadIslandGame、Facebook @DeadIslandGameUK 或 以获得更多《Dead Island 2》的资讯。

《Dead Island 2》将于 Xbox Series X 、 Xbox One 、 PlayStation®5 、 PlayStation®4 、 Google Stadia 及 Epic Games Store 上出售,预购经已展开。

DEAD ISLAND 2 于  2023 年 4 月 21 日出售!





· 摸索洛杉矶天国:《Dead Island 2》将带玩家超越天使之乡最具代表性的天面,但现在到处皆染谦可骇;您将正在比华利山翠绿郊区、威僧斯海滩的奇特步讲等天展开诧同的低雅冒险。

· 残暴的远战沙盒:战役体系带去狠恶、伤亡枕藉与暴力程度达到极限的第一人称体验,有多种兵器与战术 (战暴力) 挑选,能正在尸群中开出一条路。没有管斩击、敲击、燃烧或扯破,我们皆但愿您杀得真正有感。

· 成为终究僵尸杀足:有六名角色可挑选,每名皆有各自的奇特性格与对话。您能够完整自订每名杀足的才气,操纵齐新的足艺体系让您当即重新分派才气并试出最猖獗的组开。

· 僵尸众多:筹办好体验游戏界最先进的支解体系了吗?我们的洛杉矶到处皆是有写真中没有雅与反应的僵尸。那些变同怪胎便是《Dead Island 2》复活腐臭的核心要角,稀有十种奇特的僵尸种类,每种皆有各自的变同、抨击挨击体例与数百种洛杉矶主题的中型窜改。我们的怪物无情、下强,并且是真正在的洛杉矶人。您能幸存下去吗?

· 电影气势开做冒险:《Dead Island 2》是一款正统的角色扮演游戏,供应大年夜量刺激任务、破天荒的角色,战危险的低雅剧情,让您真正沉浸正在扭直的天下没有雅中。包管百玩没有腻。别的借有出色夸大的开做形式,最多能够三名玩家停止,包管让您能正在洛杉矶度过一段非常悠少 (并且暴力) 的路程。

请遁踪我们的 Twitter 、 Instagram @DeadIslandGame 或 Facebook @DeadIslandGameUK 以获得更多《Dead Island 2》的资讯。

© 2023 PLAION GmbH and published by Deep Silver. Developed by Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. Additional development by Fishlabs GmbH. Deep Silver, Dead Island, Dambuster, Fishlabs and their respective logos are trademarks of PLAION GmbH. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.


Deep Silver develops and distributes interactive games for all platforms. The Deep Silver label means to captivate all gamers who have a passion for thrilling gameplay in exciting game worlds by creating products of the highest possible quality, always focusing on what the customer desires.

Deep Silver has published more than 200 games since 2003, including its own brands like the open world extravaganza Saints Row, the zombie action franchise Dead Island, and the gritty, post-apocalyptic Metro series. Upcoming highlights from Deep Silver include the next entries into the TimeSplitters and Dead Island franchises. Deep Silver development studios include Deep Silver Dambuster Studios and Free Radical Design, both in Nottingham, UK as well as Deep Silver Fishlabs who are based in Hamburg, Germany. For more information please visit

All product titles, publisher names, trademarks, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyright material of the respective owners. All rights reserved.


Deep Silver Dambuster Studios is a AAA game developer with a heritage spanning over 20 years, with around 170 designers, narrators, artists, programmers and engineers making up the talented team.

Established in Nottingham (UK), the studio was founded by a passionate team of games industry veterans, with the genesis of the studio traced back to the late 1990s, when several people formed Free Radical Design where they worked on TimeSplitters.

In 2014 the studio was acquired by Deep Silver and rebranded Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. It released Homefront: The Revolution for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2016. In the 12 months following the launch of Homefront it released additional Resistance Mode content and three individual story expansions; The Voice of Freedom, Aftermath and the final story bookend, Beyond the Walls.

The studio is now developing the next instalment in the highly successful Dead Island series of games.

For more information please visit


PLAION is a leading independent developer and producer of games and entertainment products, with nine development studios and five publishing units based all over the world. Founded in 1994 as Koch Media, PLAION offers a unique breadth of services and solutions, dynamically growing its business to push ourselves and our partners to the forefront in all the segments we operate in. PLAION runs a multi-label strategy, with fully owned publishing units, such as Deep Silver, Prime Matter, Milestone, Vertigo Games and Ravenscourt, publishing games for consoles, PC and VR platforms across all physical and digital channels. Additionally - as a global publishing partner - PLAION has formed long-term multinational publishing collaborations with numerous game publishers including Activision Blizzard, Bethesda, Capcom, Focus Multimedia, Giants Software, Koei Tecmo, Paradox, Sega, SNK, Square Enix, Techland, THQ Nordic, Tripwire, Warner Bros and many others. With its parent company in Höfen, Austria - and the HQ in Munich, Germany - PLAION owns local publishing companies in Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Australia, the United States as well as Japan and Hong Kong. PLAION owns nine game development studios: Deep Silver Dambuster Studios (Nottingham, UK), Fishlabs (Hamburg, DE), Warhorse Studios (Prague, CZ), Milestone (Milan, IT), Voxler (Paris, FR) , DigixArt (Montpellier, FR), Flying Wild Hog (Warsaw, Kraków, Rzeszów, PL), Free Radical Design (Nottingham, UK) and Vertigo Games (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, NL). Additionally, PLAION collaborates with numerous independent development studios around the world. Part of PLAION is also PLAION PICTURES, a leading independent film distributor in Europe with a library of more than 1.400 titles. Further business operations include Sola Media, a sales agency and production company for family entertainment, Spotfilm Networx, a multi-channel streaming network, and a sub-label dedicated to Japanese animation. PLAION also owns the leading video game merchandise company DPI Merchandising (Denver, Roseburg, USA and Munich, DE) and a Quality Assurance Facility in Olomouc, CZ. PLAION is an Embracer Group company.

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