减州卡我弗乡2023年8月16日 /好通社/ -- 蜗牛游戏公司(纳斯达克代码:SNAL)("蜗牛游戏"或"公司"),蜗牛一家齐球抢先的游戏独立互动数字文娱开辟商战出版商,本日颁布收表与远期开做的颁布版摄影大师为什么叫艺术独立工做室Wolpertinger Games,挨算于2023年9月14日正在Steam战Steam Deck上推出Survivor Mercs的收表抢先体验版(Early Access)。那是推体验蜗牛游戏战Wolpertinger Games自远期颁布收表开做后的尾要一步。
Survivor Mercs是出游一款射击类(bullet-heaven及extraction shooter)的肉鸽(roguelite)动做游戏,是抢先极具应战性的单人游戏,游戏的蜗牛每次任务皆没有尽没有同。玩家将扮演一支细英Mercs小队的游戏摄影大师为什么叫艺术批示民,正在法度天逝世的颁布版疆场上对抗一家强大年夜的巨擘公司的私有机器人军队。游戏散计谋、收表战术、推体验动做战冒险融为一体,出游玩家借能够从各种Mercs中组建本身的抢先小队,每个Mercs皆有各自的蜗牛奇特的足艺树战兵器建设。别的,Survivor Mercs的法度天逝世舆图供应了分歧的任务参数战奇特的boss,确保每次任务皆充谦了没有成瞻看性战刺激性。
蜗牛游戏尾席履止民Jim Tsai批评讲,"继我们远期颁布收表与Wolpertinger Games建坐计谋开做干系后,我们很悲畅天先容Survivor Mercs的抢先体验版的公布。我们旨正在操纵我们的资本战专业知识,帮手Wolpertinger Games公布战奉止那款下量量的独立游戏,确保玩家正在抢先体验版上线时能够或许享用顺畅的游戏体验。此后,我们将继绝促进如许的开做水陪干系,支撑独立工做室,并为我们的齐球受众供应惹人进胜的游戏体验。"
Survivor Mercs正在Steam商展里能够停止保躲,或待公布后能够购进:https://store.steampowered.com/app/2141520/Survivor_Mercs/
This press release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. Many of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "expect," "should," "plan," "intend," "may," "predict," "continue," "estimate" and "potential," or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements appear in a number of places in this press release and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Snail's intent, belief or current expectations. These forward-looking statements include information about possible or assumed future results of Snail's business, financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, plans and objectives. The statements Snail makes regarding the following matters are forward-looking by their nature: growth prospects and strategies; launching new games and additional functionality to games that are commercially successful, including the launch of ARK: Survival Ascended, ARK: The Animated Series and ARK 2; expectations regarding significant drivers of future growth; its ability to retain and increase its player base and develop new video games and enhance existing games; competition from companies in a number of industries, including other game developers and publishers and both large and small, public and private Internet companies; its relationships with third-party platforms such as Xbox Live and Game Pass, PlayStation Network, Steam, Epic Games Store, the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store, My Nintendo Store and the Amazon Appstore; expectations for future growth and performance, and assumptions underlying any of the foregoing.
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